Let's Learn Foreign Languages with the News

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Entries from 2023-03-01 to 1 month

<French #235> A grand jury in New York has voted to criminally indict Donald Trump - le 30 mars 2023

Today's article is about the vote to indict the former US President from "France 24" dated March 30, 2023. www.france24.com French Original Un grand jury à New York a voté pour inculper au pénal Donald Trump (photo) Donald Trump le 23 mars…

<French #234> Ousmane Sonko, the fierce opponent of Macky Sall who dreams of succeeding him - le 29 mars 2023

Today's article is about the promising presidential candidate of Senegal from "France 24" dated March 29, 2023. www.france24.com French Original Ousmane Sonko, le farouche opposant à Macky Sall qui rêve de lui succéder (photo) Député et ma…

<French #233> Putin, this "satan", this "wimp": the phone call of discord in Russia - le 28 mars 2023

Today's article is about the criticism to the Russian President by a Russian celebrity from "France 24" dated March 28, 2023. www.france24.com French Original Poutine, ce "satan", cette "mauviette" : le coup de fil de la discorde en Russie…

<French #232> North Korea fired two ballistic missiles towards Sea of Japan, Seoul says - le 27 mars 2023

Today's article is about the launch of ballistic missiles by North Korea from "France 24" dated March 27, 2023. www.france24.com French Original La Corée du Nord a tiré deux missiles balistiques en direction de la mer du Japon, assure Séou…

<French #231> Israel: Netanyahu dismisses defense minister after call to suspend reform - le 26 mars 2023

Today's article is about the dismissal of the Defense Minister of Israel from "France 24" dated March 26, 2023. www.france24.com French Original Israël : Netanyahu renvoie le ministre de la Défense après son appel à suspendre la réforme (p…

<French #230> The EU and Berlin agree on the end of thermal engines... and synthetic fuels - le 25 mars 2023

Today's article is about the relaxing of the exhaust gas regulation in EU from "France 24" dated March 25, 2023. www.france24.com French Original L'UE et Berlin s'accordent sur la fin des moteurs thermiques... et les carburants de synthèse…

<French #229> Ukraine: depleted uranium shells, ammunition as useful as it is controversial - le 24 mars 2023

Today's article is about the supply of depleted uranium ammunition to Ukraine from "France 24" dated March 24, 2023. www.france24.com French Original Ukraine : les obus à uranium appauvri, des munitions aussi utiles que controversées (phot…

<French #228> "Everything must be blocked!": in Paris, anger rumbles against Emmanuel Macron and the government - le 23 mars 2023

Today's article is about the demonstrations in Paris over the pension reform from "France 24" dated March 23, 2023. www.france24.com French Original "Il faut tout bloquer !" : à Paris, la colère gronde contre Emmanuel Macron et le gouverne…

<French #227> United States: the specter of an arrest recedes for Donald Trump - le 23 mars 2023

Today's article is about the trial of the former U.S. President from "France 24" dated March 23, 2023. www.france24.com French Original États-Unis : le spectre d'une arrestation s'éloigne pour Donald Trump (photo) L'ancien président Donald…

<French #226> In Moscow, Xi and Putin celebrate their "special" relationship with Westerners - le 21 mars 2023

Today's article is about the summit between China and Russia from "France 24" dated March 21, 2023. www.france24.com French Original À Moscou, Xi et Poutine célèbrent leur relation "spéciale" face aux Occidentaux (photo) Les présidents chi…

<French #225> United States: Joe Biden enacts a transparency law on the origins of Covid-19 - le 20 mars 2023

Today's article is about the transparency of Covid-19 by the U.S. President from "France 24" dated March 20, 2023. www.france24.com French Original États-Unis : Joe Biden promulgue une loi de transparence sur les origines du Covid-19 (phot…

<French #224> Ukraine denounces the "cynicism" of Putin, in visit to Mariupol - le 19 mars 2023

Today's article is about the visit of the Russian President to Mariupol from "France 24" dated March 19, 2023. www.france24.com French Original l'Ukraine dénonce le "cynisme" de Poutine, en visite à Marioupol (photo) Le président russe Vla…

<French #223> Pension: rallies everywhere in France, barricades and charges in Paris - le 18 mars 2023

Today's article is about the demostrations in France over the pension reform from "France 24" dated March 18, 2023. www.france24.com French Original Retraites : des rassemblements partout en France, barricades et charges à Paris (photo) Un…

<French #222> War in Ukraine: ICC issues arrest warrant for Vladimir Putin - le 17 mars 2023

Today's article is about the issuance of arrest warrant by ICC for the Russian president from "France 24" dated March 17, 2023. www.france24.com French Original Guerre en Ukraine : La CPI émet un mandat d'arrêt contre Vladimir Poutine (pho…

<French #221> A legendary hacker at the head of the cyber arm of Russian military intelligence? - le 16 mars 2023

Today's article is about the legendary hacker of Russian military intelligence from "France 24" dated March 16, 2023. www.france24.com French Original Un pirate informatique de légende à la tête du bras cyber du renseignement militaire rus…

<French #220> Vladimir Putin and Bashar al-Assad meet in Moscow, Turkish-Syrian reconciliation on the menu - le 15 mars 2023

Today's article is about the summit meeting between Russia and Syria from "France 24" dated March 15, 2023. www.france24.com French Original Vladimir Poutine et Bachar al-Assad s'entretiennent à Moscou, réconciliation turco-syrienne au men…

<French #219> In Pakistan, new attempt by the police to arrest ex-Prime Minister Imran Khan - le 14 mars 2023

Today's article is about the attempt by the police to arrest the former Pakistani PM Imran Khan from "France 24" dated March 14, 2023. www.france24.com French Original Au Pakistan, nouvelle tentative de la police pour arrêter l'ex-Premier …

<French #218> Willow oil project in Alaska: environmentalists denounce Joe Biden's "appalling betrayal" - le 13 mars 2023

Today's article is about the oil excavation project in Alaska from "France 24" dated March 13, 2023. www.france24.com French Original Projet pétrolier Willow en Alaska : les écologistes dénoncent "l’effroyable trahison" de Joe Biden (photo…

<French #217> Thirty migrants missing after shipwreck off Libya - le 12 mars 2023

Today's article is about the missing of migrants after shipwreck off LIbya from "France 24" dated March 12, 2023. www.france24.com French Original Une trentaine de migrants portés disparus après un naufrage au large de la Libye (photo) Des…

<French #216> Faced with growing nuclear support in France, environmentalists are fighting back - le 11 mars 2023

Today's article is about the divided public opinion on nuclear power from "France 24" dated March 11, 2023. www.france24.com French Original Face à l'adhésion croissante au nucléaire en France, les écologistes contre-attaquent (photo) Un o…

<French #215> US authorities take control of Silicon Valley Bank - le 10 mars 2023

Today's article is about the bankruptcy of Sillicon Valley Bank from "France 24" dated March 10, 2023. www.france24.com French Original Les autorités américaines prennent le contrôle de la Silicon Valley Bank (photo) Le logo de la SVB (Sil…

<French #214> The Battle of Bakhmout: symbolic or strategic issue? - le 9 mars 2023

Today's article is about the battle between Ukraine and Russia over Bakmout from "France 24" dated March 9, 2023. www.france24.com French Original La bataille de Bakhmout : enjeu symbolique ou stratégique ? (photo) Des soldats ukrainiens t…

<French #213> March 8: In Paris, the demonstrators call for equality "to work as in life" - le 8 mars 2023

Today's article is about the demonstrations at the International Women's Rights Day from "France 24" dated March 8, 2023. www.france24.com French Original 8 mars : à Paris, les manifestantes appellent à l'égalité "au travail comme dans la …

<French #212> Pension reform: demonstrators decided to "bring France to a halt" in Paris - le 7 mars 2023

Today's article is about the demonstrations over the pension reform in Paris from "France 24" dated March 7, 2023. www.france24.com French Original Réforme des retraites : à Paris, des manifestants décidés à "mettre la France à l'arrêt" (p…

<French #211> "I withdraw my daughter from school": anger rumbles in Iran over poisonings - le 6 mars 2023

Today's article is about the poisoing attack to school girls in Iran from "France 24" dated March 6, 2023. www.france24.com French Original "Je retire ma fille de l'école" : la colère gronde en Iran face aux empoisonnements Des familles ma…

<French #210> Business, Françafrique... What to remember from Emmanuel Macron's African tour? - le 5 mars 2023

Today's article is about the French president's tour of central Africa from "France 24" dated March 5, 2023. www.france24.com French Original Business, Françafrique... Que faut-il retenir de la tournée africaine d'Emmanuel Macron ? Le prés…

<French #209> Anti-migrant discourse in Tunisia: "A way to make people forget the country's problems" - le 4 mars 2023

Today's article is about the demonstration in Tunisia from "France 24" dated March 4, 2023. www.france24.com French Original Discours antimigrants en Tunisie : "Une façon de faire oublier les problèmes du pays" En Tunisie, plus de 3 000 pe…

<French #208> TikTok will work with a "partner" in Europe to reassure on data security - le 3 mars 2023

Today's article is about the data security for TiKTok in Europe from "France 24" dated March 3, 2023. www.france24.com French Original TikTok travaillera avec un "partenaire" en Europe pour rassurer sur la sécurité des données Face à la mé…

<French #207> After the rail tragedy, Greece in search of answers - le 2 mars 2023

Today's article is about the railway accident in Greece from "France 24" dated March 2, 2023. www.france24.com French Original Après la tragédie ferroviaire, la Grèce en quête de réponses Deux jours après la collision mortelle entre un tra…

<French #206> Presidential in Nigeria: Bola Tinubu, the "kingmaker" now crowned - le 1 mars 2023

Today's article is about the newly elected president in Nigeria from "France 24" dated March 1, 2023. www.france24.com French Original Présidentielle au Nigeria : Bola Tinubu, le "faiseur de roi" désormais couronné Surnommé le "faiseur de …