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Entries from 2023-10-01 to 1 month

<Chinese #015> To prevent the war from expanding, the United States and Canada send a second aircraft carrier group - 2023年10月16日

The article is about the dispatch of aircraft carriers by U.S. and Canada for Israel from "聯合新聞網" dated October 16, 2023. udn.com Chinese Original 防戰事擴大 美加派第2個航空母艦群 美國國防部長奧斯丁十四日表示,美國正派遣第二個航空母艦…

<Chinese #014> EU Foreign Minister: Israel's comprehensive siege of Gaza violates international law - 2023年10月15日

The article is about the battle between Israel and Hamas from "聯合新聞網" dated October 15, 2023. udn.com Chinese Original 歐盟外長:以色列全面圍困加薩違反國際法 歐盟外交和安全政策高級代表波瑞爾13日接受西班牙媒體訪問,批評以色列「全面圍困…

<French #357> Israel gives Palestinians more time before assault, WHO worries - le 15 octobre 2023

The article is about the battle with Israel and Hamas from "France 24" dated October 15, 2023. www.france24.com French Original Israël laisse plus de temps aux Palestiniens avant un assaut, l'OMS s'inquiète Israël a continué samedi à appel…

<Chinese #013> Nearly a thousand people were killed in the war between Israel and Hamas, and hundreds of Israelis were taken captive - 2023年10月9日

The article is about the battle between Israel and Hamas from "聯合新聞網" dated October 9, 2023. udn.com Chinese Original 以哈開戰死近千 上百以人被擄 以色列八日正式向巴勒斯坦武裝團體哈瑪斯,以色列政府表示已有六百人死亡、兩千人受傷,一百人…

<Chinese #012> Israel’s 911! Hamas launches simultaneous land, sea and air raids - 2023年10月8日

The article is about the battle between Israel and Hamas from "聯合新聞網" dated October 8, 2023. udn.com Chinese Original 以色列的911!哈瑪斯海陸空同步突襲 紐時:衝擊堪比對美恐攻 周六(7日)黎明時分,大多數以色列人還在睡夢中,數千枚火箭如雨…

<French #356> After the Hamas offensive, Israeli night strikes in Gaza - le 8 octobre 2023

The article is about the battle between Israel and Hamas from "France 24" dated October 8, 2023. www.france24.com French Original Après l'offensive du Hamas, frappes nocturnes israéliennes à Gaza Israël et la bande de Gaza sont en guerre e…

<French #355> United States: Speaker of the House of Representatives Kevin McCarthy impeached, a first - le 3 octobre 2023

The article is about the dismissal of the speaker of the House of Representative in the US from "France 24" dated October 3, 2023. www.france24.com French Original États-Unis : le président de la Chambre des représentants Kevin McCarthy de…

<French #354> Haiti: the UN Security Council gives the green light to an international force - le 2 octobre 2023

The article is about the dispatch of the international force to Haiti from "France 24" dated October 2, 2023. www.france24.com French Original Haïti : le Conseil de sécurité de l'ONU donne son feu vert à une force internationale Le Conseil…

<Chinese #011> Xi Jinping "considers visiting South Korea" triggers Kim Jong-un's anxiety - 2023年10月2日

The article is about the possible to visit of Xi Jinping to South Korea from "聯合新聞網" dated October 2, 2023. vip.udn.comChinese Original 習近平「考慮訪韓」引爆金正恩焦慮 北韓想解與俄相依為命的困局 看點2:中日韓三國資深官員齊聚首爾展開…

<Chinese #010> The US government avoids a shutdown! Senate passes House version of temporary spending bill, Biden ready to sign - 2023年10月1日

The article is about the avoid of a government shutdown in the US from "聯合新聞網" dated October 1, 2023. udn.comChinese Original 美政府避免關門!參院通過眾院版臨時支出法案 拜登準備簽署 彭博資訊報導,美國參議院在美東時間午夜前(台灣時間1…

<French #353> United States: shutdown about to be postponed after adoption of emergency measure - le 30 septembre 2023

The article is about the concerns about government shutdown from "France 24" dated September 30, 2023. www.france24.com French Original États-Unis: le shutdown en passe d'être repoussé après l'adoption d'une mesure d'urgence La Chambre amé…