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<Chinese #013> Nearly a thousand people were killed in the war between Israel and Hamas, and hundreds of Israelis were taken captive - 2023年10月9日

   The article is about the battle between Israel and Hamas from "聯合新聞網" dated October 9, 2023.


Chinese Original

以哈開戰死近千 上百以人被擄


(photo) 巴勒斯坦伊斯蘭主義運動組織哈瑪斯昨天突襲以色列,以色列反擊加薩走廊,傷亡慘重。圖為10月8日,加薩城Al-Watan塔在以色列空襲中被摧毀,現場一片瓦礫


English Translation

Nearly a thousand people were killed in the war between Israel and Hamas, and hundreds of Israelis were taken captive.

Israel officially declared war on the Palestinian armed group Hamas on the 8th. The Israeli government stated that 600 people had been killed, 2,000 injured, and 100 people had been kidnapped by Hamas. The Palestinian Ministry of Health in Gaza said that Israeli air strikes caused At least 370 people were killed and 2,200 injured in the Saskatchewan region. Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu warned on Sunday that the war would be long and difficult.

(photo) The Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas launched an attack on Israel yesterday, and Israel counterattacked in the Gaza Strip, causing heavy casualties. The picture shows that on October 8, the Al-Watan tower in Gaza City was destroyed in an Israeli air strike, and the scene was covered with rubble.


Words & Phrases


巴勒斯坦 ba1le4si1tan3: Palestine

綁架 (绑架) bang3jia4: to kidnap, to abduct


慘重 (惨重) can3zhong4: disastrous

摧毀 (摧毁) cui1hui3: to destory


導致 (导致) dao3zhi4: to result in


加薩 jia1sa4: Gaza


艱困 (艰困) jian1kune4: difficult

警告 jing3gao4: to warn


開戰 (开战) kai1zhan4: to make war


擄 (掳) lu3: to capture


漫長 (漫长) man4chang2: very long, endless


喪 (䘮) sang4: to lose


圖 (图) tu2: picture

突襲 (突袭) tu2xi1: to raid

團體 (团体) tuan2ti3: group


瓦礫 (瓦砾) wa3li4: rubble, debris

衛生 (卫生) wei4sheng1: hygiene, sanitation


宣戰 (宣战) xuan1zhan4: to declare war


以色列 yi3se4lie4


走廊 zou3lang2: corridor