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<Chinese #012> Israel’s 911! Hamas launches simultaneous land, sea and air raids - 2023年10月8日

   The article is about the battle between Israel and Hamas from "聯合新聞網" dated October 8, 2023.


Chinese Original

以色列的911!哈瑪斯海陸空同步突襲 紐時:衝擊堪比對美恐攻


(photo) 7日黎明時分,大多數以色列人還在睡夢中,數千枚火箭如雨般落下。


English Translation

Israel’s 911! Hamas launches simultaneous land, sea and air raids. The New York Times: The impact is comparable to a terrorist attack on the United States.

At dawn on Saturday (7th), while most Israelis were still asleep, thousands of rockets rained down, not even escaping Tel Aviv in the north and Jerusalem in the east. At this time, militants from Hamas, the militant organization that rules the Gaza Corridor, simultaneously invaded more than a dozen towns and villages in southern Israel, killing civilians from house to house and taking civilians hostage. Hamas's joint sea, land and air attacks killed at least 250 people in Israel, injured more than a thousand, and took many soldiers and civilians abducted. However, the Israeli military and intelligence organizations, which are proud of the world, were completely out of context from the situation. The New York Times pointed out, The psychological impact of this raid on Israelis is comparable to the "911" terrorist attacks in the United States.

(photo) At dawn on the 7th, while most Israelis were still sleeping, thousands of rockets rained down.


Words & Phrases


挨家挨戶 (挨家挨户) ai1jia1ai1hu4: house to house

傲視 (傲视) ao4shi4: regard with disdain


城鎮 (城镇) cheng2zhen4: cites and towns

衝擊 (冲击) chong1ji2: impact

村莊 (村庄) cun1zhuang1: village


哈瑪斯 (哈玛斯) ha1ma3si1: Hamas

還 (还) hai2: still

火箭 huo3jian2: rocket


堪 kan1: may


黎明 li2ming2: dawn

聯合 (联合) lian2he2: calition


同步 tong1bu4: synchronous

突襲 (突袭) tu2xi2: raid, assault


耶路撒冷 ye1lu4sa1leng3: Jersalem

以色列 Yi3se4lie4: Israel

餘 (余) yu2: over, more than

逾 yu2: over