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Entries from 2023-10-08 to 1 day

<Chinese #012> Israel’s 911! Hamas launches simultaneous land, sea and air raids - 2023年10月8日

The article is about the battle between Israel and Hamas from "聯合新聞網" dated October 8, 2023. udn.com Chinese Original 以色列的911!哈瑪斯海陸空同步突襲 紐時:衝擊堪比對美恐攻 周六(7日)黎明時分,大多數以色列人還在睡夢中,數千枚火箭如雨…

<French #356> After the Hamas offensive, Israeli night strikes in Gaza - le 8 octobre 2023

The article is about the battle between Israel and Hamas from "France 24" dated October 8, 2023. www.france24.com French Original Après l'offensive du Hamas, frappes nocturnes israéliennes à Gaza Israël et la bande de Gaza sont en guerre e…