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<Chinese #015> To prevent the war from expanding, the United States and Canada send a second aircraft carrier group - 2023年10月16日

   The article is about the dispatch of aircraft carriers by U.S. and Canada for Israel from "聯合新聞網" dated October 16, 2023.


Chinese Original

防戰事擴大 美加派第2個航空母艦


(photo) 隨著以色列準備擴大針對加薩走廊的行動,美國五角大廈再出動艾森豪號航空母艦前往地中海增援。圖為世界最大航母美國福特號,本周稍早已抵達以色列沿岸。法新社


English Translation

To prevent the war from expanding, the United States and Canada send a second aircraft carrier group

U.S. Defense Secretary Austin said on the 14th that the United States is sending a second aircraft carrier strike group to the eastern Mediterranean to "deter hostilities against Israel or any attempts to expand this war following the Hamas attack."

(photo) As Israel prepares to expand operations against the Gaza Strip, the U.S. Pentagon has dispatched the USS Eisenhower aircraft carrier to the Mediterranean for reinforcements. The picture shows the world's largest aircraft carrier, the USS Ford, which arrived off the coast of Israel earlier this week. AFP


Words & Phrases


打擊 (打击) da3ji1: strike, attack

敵對 (敌对) di2dui4: hostile


遏止 e4zhi3 : to check


防 fang2: to prevent


航空母艦 (航空母舰) hang2kong1mu3jian4: aircraft carrier


擴大 (扩大) kuo4da4: to broaden


派 pai4: to dispatch

派遣 Pai4qian3: to dispatch


企圖 (企图) qi4tu2: attempt


任何 ren4he2: any


稍 shao1: a little

隨著 (随着) sui2zhe: along with


以 yi3: by means of


增援 zeng1yuan2: reinforcement, to reinforce

針對 (针对) zhen1dui4: to be aimed at