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<French #253> Despite "the anger" of the French, Emmanuel Macron gives himself 100 days to revive - le 17 avril 2023

   Today's article is about the speech on 100th day in office by the French President from "France 24" dated April 17, 2023.


French Original

Malgré "la colère" des Français, Emmanuel Macron se donne 100 jours pour se relancer


(photo) Emmanuel Macron, le 17 avril 2023, lors de son allocution télévisée suivant la promulgation de la réforme des retraites.


Le président de la République a tenté lundi soir de tourner la page de la réforme des retraites en promettant d’agir sur plusieurs chantiers importants lors des prochains mois. Mais hormis des mesures sur le régalien, Emmanuel Macron est resté flou sur ses intentions. Sans doute pas suffisant pour apaiser la colère des Français, qui étaient plusieurs milliers à répondre à son allocution par des concerts de casseroles.


English Translation

Despite "the anger" of the French, Emmanuel Macron gives himself 100 days to revive


(photo) Emmanuel Macron, April 17, 2023, during his televised speech following the promulgation of the pension reform.


The President of the Republic tried Monday evening to turn the page on pension reform by promising to act on several important projects in the coming months. But apart from measures on the sovereign, Emmanuel Macron remained vague about his intentions. Probably not enough to appease the anger of the French, who were several thousand to respond to his speech with concerts of saucepans.


Words & Phrases


agir: to act

alloctution: short speech

apaiser: to appease


casseroles > casserole: saucepan, pan

chantier: construction site

colère: anger


donne > donner: to devote oneself to

doute: doubt


étaient (être): were (be)


flou: vague


hormis: except


lors: during


malgre: despite


promettant (promettre): promissing (promise)


régalien: regalian, kingly

relancer: to relaunch

resté (rester): remined (remain)


suivant (suivre): following (follow)


tenté (tenter): attempted (attempt)

tourner: to turn