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<French #137> "You will never be alone", Joe Biden's promise to Volodymyr Zelensky - le 21 décembre 2022

   Today's article is about the visit of the Ukraine president to the U.S. from France 24 dated December 21, 2022.


French Original

"Vous ne serez jamais seuls", la promesse de Joe Biden à Volodymyr Zelensky


Le président ukrainien est arrivé, mercredi, à la Maison Blanche, où il a été accueilli par son homologue américain. Joe Biden lui a renouvelé son soutien dans la guerre contre la Russie. Volodymyr Zelensky a, pour sa part, exprimé sa reconnaissance. Le président ukrainien tiendra ensuite un discours devant le Congrès américain.


English Translation

"You will never be alone", Joe Biden's promise to Volodymyr Zelensky


The Ukrainian president arrived on Wednesday at the White House, where he was welcomed by his American counterpart. Joe Biden has renewed his support for him in the war against Russia. Volodymyr Zelensky, for his part, expressed his gratitude. The Ukrainian president will then give a speech to the US Congress.


Words & Phrases


a été accueilli: has been welcomed

a exprimé: has expressed

a renouvelé: has renewed

accueilli (accueillir): welcomed (welcome)


devant: in front of

discours: speech


ensuite: then

est arrivé: has arrived

exprimé (exprimer): expressed (express)


guerre: war


homologue: counterpart


mercredi: Wednesday


ne ... jamais: never


promesse: promise


reconnaissance: gratitude, recognition

renouvelé (renouveler): renewed (nenew)


sa > son: his

serez (être): will be (be)

seuls > seul: alone

soutien: support


tiendra (tenir): will hold (hold)