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<French #310> Javier Milei, the disruptive anarcho-capitalist of the Argentine presidential election - le 14 juin 2023

   Today's article is about the candidate of the presidential election in Argentina from "France 24" dated June 14, 2023.


French Original

Javier Milei, l'anarcho-capitaliste perturbateur de la présidentielle argentine

Nouveau venu qui bouleverse le jeu politique en Argentine, Javier Milei se décrit comme un "anarcho-capitaliste". Avatar argentin de Donald Trump ou de Jair Bolsonaro, ses convictions libertariennes et son style rock’n’roll détonnent dans la vie politique argentine. Au fil des mois, il s’est imposé comme un candidat sérieux à l’élection présidentielle, crédité par les instituts de sondage de 20 à 25 % des intentions de vote.

(photo) Javier Milei présente son livre "La fin de l'inflation" à la foire du livre de Buenos Aires, le 14 mai 2023.


English Translation

Javier Milei, the disruptive anarcho-capitalist of the Argentine presidential election

A newcomer who is shaking up the political game in Argentina, Javier Milei describes himself as an "anarcho-capitalist". Argentinian avatar of Donald Trump or Jair Bolsonaro, his libertarian convictions and his rock'n'roll style clash in Argentinian political life. Over the months, he has established himself as a serious candidate in the presidential election, credited by polling institutes with 20 to 25% of voting intentions.

(photo) Javier Milei presents his book "The End of Inflation" at the Buenos Aires Book Fair, May 14, 2023.


Words & Phrases


anarcho-: anarcho- (anachorism)


bouleverse > bouleverser: to disrupt


décrit > décrire: to descrive

détonnent > détonner: to clash


au fil de: over the


imposé (imposer): imposed (impose)


jeu: game, play, gambling


libertariennes > libertaire: libertarian


perturbateur: disruptive


sérieux: serious

sondage: poll, survey


venu: newcomer