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<French #124> Kremlin admits 'risks' of Ukrainian attacks in Crimea - le 8 décembre 2022

   Today's article is about the risk for Russia to use neuclear weapons to Ukrain from France 24 dated December 8, 2022.


French Original

Le Kremlin admet des "risques" d'attaques ukrainiennes en Crimée


Le risque d'un recours à l'arme nucléaire par Moscou dans le conflit en Ukraine a diminué car la communauté internationale "a tracé une ligne rouge" à la Russie, a estimé le chancelier allemand, dans une interview jeudi. Les combats se concentrent désormais dans la région de Donetsk.


English Translation

Kremlin admits 'risks' of Ukrainian attacks in Crimea


The risk of Moscow resorting to nuclear weapons in the conflict in Ukraine has diminished because the international community "has drawn a red line" against Russia, the German chancellor said in an interview on Thursday. The fighting is now concentrated in the Donetsk region.


Words & Phrases


a diminué: has diminished

a estimé: has estimated

a tracé: has drawn

admet > admettre: admit

allemand: German

arme: arm

attaque: attack


car: for, because

chancelier: chancellor

combat: combat, fighting

communauté: community

concentrent > concentrer: concentrate

conflit: conflict


désormais: from now on

diminué (diminuer): diminished (diminish)


estimé (estimer): estimated (estimate)


jeudi: Thursday


ligne: line


nucléaire: nuclear


recours: appeal

risque: risk

rouge: red


tracé (tracer): drawn (draw)